The Therapeutic Benefits of Pottery

Crafting Calm, One Pot at a Time

As I’m sure my students would tell you, I could go on for hours about the therapeutic benefits of this nourishing craft. For today though, let's just dip our toes into the therapeutic realm of pottery, where the gentle act of shaping clay offers a soothing retreat from the busyness of daily life.

Picture it: you're in our light-filled studio, surrounded by the earthy scent of clay. You sink your hands into the cool, smooth mass of earth and, suddenly, the busyness of the world around you softens and fades away. This is the beauty of working with clay; it’s not just about the final product. For many of us teachers and artists here at Bisque, it is about finding peace in the process.

Preparing & wedging soft clay

Mindfulness through Pottery

There is nothing quite like the feeling of presence and calm that envelops you as you immerse yourself in a day at the pottery studio. If you have ever had the pleasure of getting your hands dirty with clay, I am sure you are familiar with the feeling of looking up from the clay that you are forming, zoning back into the world around you, and being shocked at the amount of time that has passed. What a gift that is - meditation in motion. 

As you shape and mold the clay, you might find your mind unwinding, tensions easing, and a sense of calm settling in. On our best days connecting with clay, it can hold your focus in such a way that outside pressures seem to melt away, leaving us with pure, unadulterated zen.

Potters working with clay on a wheel

Embracing Imperfection

So, what if your mug turns out a little lopsided or your bowl doesn't have a totally symmetrical shape? That's all part of the charm of hand-made ceramic work. Pottery teaches us to embrace imperfection and find joy in the unique quirks and perceived “flaws” that make each piece truly one-of-a-kind. Really, if we wanted a perfectly symmetrical mug, we could just buy one in Ikea… but drinking from a mug made with love, by human hands, is oh so much more special and nourishing.

Something that comes up a lot in our classes at Bisque is individual students’ struggles with perfectionism - ideas of “perfect” pots, that come with impossibly high standards, that can be very difficult to let go of. In the studio, we learn to release our attachment to work needing to be flawless and instead focus on the process - the journey of creation. Pottery provides a safe space for us to gently challenge and gradually confront these perfectionistic tendencies. Through the repetitive motions of shaping clay, we can learn to accept perceived imperfections and find peace in the act of creation.

Ceramic pieces on shelves

Finding Your Tribe in the Clay Community

Feeling part of a supportive community is so important for our well-being - providing a sense of belonging, connection, and mutual support that enriches our lives. At Bisque Studios, each and every clay nerd is an integral part of our gorgeous community. Pottery isn't just about making pots; it's about making connections — with the clay, with ourselves, and with each other. Together, we celebrate each other’s successes, support one another through challenges, and find solace in the rhythm of this communal space which makes us feel part of something bigger. In the studio, pottery becomes more than just a hobby; it becomes a unifying force that intertwines our individual creative journeys into a larger tapestry of collective creativity.

Potters in a studio preparing clay and gathering tools

Ready to Get Your Hands Dirty?

Through the therapeutic nature of working with clay, we can learn to embrace imperfection, cultivate mindfulness, and find our place in the supportive community of fellow makers. So, whether you're seeking a creative outlet, a way to unwind, a place to enjoy the tactile/sensory experience of working with clay, or simply a space to connect with others, we hope this can be your sign to step into the wonderful world of pottery. Let's shape clay, forge connections, and celebrate the beauty of imperfection together.

Author: Ríona Mowlds - Artist, Teacher & Studio Tech